Box Truck Accidents

We Help Victims of Box Truck Accidents Recover Compensation for Their Losses

Box trucks, also known as cube trucks or box vans, are a type of truck that is often used to move goods over short distances and can weigh up to thirty-three thousand pounds. In the State of Georgia box trucks require a commercial driver's license (CDL) to drive since they are more difficult to operate than a run of the mill vehicle. Given the difficulty of operating such a vehicle, accidents are unfortunately common. If you have been in an accident involving a box truck, then it is important that you speak with a personal injury attorney such as the attorneys at Slappey & Sadd, LLC to determine whether you have a claim against the driver.

Types of Box Truck Accidents

In 2016, the most recent year for reporting by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 4,440 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes. Many more crashes occur that are not fatal but nonetheless cause injury. Given the difficulty of driving a box truck, a number of different types of accidents may occur, such as:

  • Rollover Accidents. Given the height of box trucks, they are prone to rolling over. A box truck that rolls over may hit multiple automobiles on a heavily trafficked road and will also likely injure the driver of the box truck. Rollovers can be due to driver error, vehicle malfunction, or extraneous conditions such as obstacles on the road or other automobiles striking the box truck.
  • Collisions. Any vehicle can be involved in a collision. But when a large vehicle such as a box truck is involved in a collision, there is a greater potential for damage to property and injury to those involved. Collisions involving box trucks can have devastating results and may result in loss of life.
  • Blind Spot Issues. Box trucks have significant blind spots, which increases the potential for collisions. Collision due to blind spots can be considered both driver error as well as a design flaw.
  • Injuries Involving Loading and Unloading Box Trucks. Since box trucks are used primarily for moving goods and freight, injuries can occur from loading and unloading the box truck. Box trucks are used by a wide variety of employers. If you are an employee injured by the loading or unloading of a box truck, it is important that you speak with a personal injury attorney to determine your rights against your employer.
Potential Claims in Box Truck Accidents

If you have been injured due to a box truck accident, the following legal claims may be available to you:

  • Personal Injury Claims Against the Box Truck Company. If you have been injured by the erratic driving of a box truck on the road, and that box truck was engaged in business, then you may have a claim against the company that owns the box truck.
  • Personal Injury Claims Against the Driver. If the driver was at fault for the accident that caused your injury, you will have a claim against the driver as well, even if the driver was not engaged in business activities.
  • Claims Against the Box Truck Manufacturer. If the box truck accident was due to a design flaw or malfunction of the box truck itself, you may have a claim against the manufacturer of the box truck, the dealer who sold the box truck, and possibly even any parts suppliers and mechanics who have serviced the box truck.
  • Wrongful Death Claims. If a loved one of yours was killed in an accident involving a box truck, you have a wrongful death claim against all parties that are responsible. If this has happened to your family, it is imperative that you speak with a wrongful death attorney at Slappey & Sadd, LLC.
  • Box Truck Driver Claims. If you are a driver of a box truck and are injured while driving the box truck, you may have a claim against your employer and/or the manufacturer of the box truck.
Proving a Personal Injury Claim Involving a Box Truck

As a plaintiff in a personal injury or wrongful death matter, you are required to present your case with evidence to support your claims. It is important that if you are involved in a box truck accident, you immediately take pictures of the scene of the accident if you have a camera or smartphone available. These pictures can be used later to determine fault. Likewise, the box truck will have what is known as an Electronic Control Module (ECM) that records data leading up to the crash. This ECM will have a record of the speed the box truck was travelling, the number of hard stops of the box truck, and the number of RPMs. This information can be used to demonstrate that the box truck was not operated in a safe manner which contributed or completely caused the accident. With such evidence it is imperative that you immediately contact a personal injury attorney such as an attorney at Slappey & Sadd, LLC, who can then work on your behalf to verify that all evidence is preserved and available in case a lawsuit should arise. If you wait too long before seeking counsel it is possible that the ECM will be destroyed and thus not available to support your legal position.

Contact the Atlanta Personal Injury Attorneys of Slappey & Sadd, LLC Today if You Have Been Involved in a Box Truck Accident

Box trucks are notoriously dangerous and difficult to drive. Given the large size of box trucks and relative ease of tipping over, many accidents occur each year involving box trucks. Those accidents often lead to injury and death. If you have been involved in a box truck accident and have either been injured or a family member of yours has been injured or killed in the accident, it is important to immediately seek legal counsel so that you can preserve your legal rights and your counsel can preserve the crucial evidence to make your personal injury or wrongful death claim against the operator and owner of the box truck. If you have been involved in a box truck accident, call the Atlanta personal injury attorneys of Slappey & Sadd, LLC today at 888.474.9616.

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