The personal injury lawyers of Slappey & Sadd, LLC represent victims injured or killed as a result of vehicle defects. There are many instances of vehicle defects in automobiles that are sold in the United States market, some more dangerous than others. The vehicle defects may not be obvious, but instead could be latent, often with disastrous results. It is important that the cause of the injury be determined so that the vehicle manufacturer can be held responsible and for the defect to be corrected so that others do not get hurt. Bringing a lawsuit against the responsible parties is often the most effective means of ensuring compensation and correction.
If you have been hurt in an accident caused by a vehicle defect, you should speak to an attorney as soon as you can. To schedule a free consultation with a lawyer, call Slappey & Sadd today at 404-255-6677 or contact us online.
Examples of Vehicle Defects That can Result in InjuryVehicles are complicated machines and when a single part of that machine is defective, the results can be disastrous. The following list is an example of vehicle defects that commonly cause injury or death:
This is not an exhaustive list. The number of components in any modern vehicle means that there are any number of fail points that can lead to injury or even death. It is best to analyze each defect on a case by case basis and consult with professionals, both legal and engineering professionals, to determine the nature of the defect and the legal liability for the parties involved.
Liability for Vehicle DefectsOnce it has been determined that a vehicle defect exists, the next step is to consider the responsible parties. The following parties may be named as defendants in a vehicle defect injury or wrongful death lawsuit:
If you have been injured as a result of a vehicle defect, you can be compensated for your loss from any of the aforementioned parties. Compensation can include reparation for medical bills and lost wages, compensation for pain and suffering, compensation for long-term emotional trauma, and in some cases punitive damages.
What to do if You Have Been Injured in a Vehicle Due to a Vehicle DefectIf you have been injured as a result of a vehicle defect, it is important to preserve the vehicle rather than having it repaired until it can be fully inspected and documented for the cause of the accident. Be sure to take plenty of pictures of the vehicle. Also, be sure to document your injuries and retain a medical record and statement of money spent for healthcare. All of this documentation can be used as evidence later to support your claims. Lastly, you will want to retain an experienced vehicle defects lawyer by calling Slappey & Sadd as soon as you can.
How a Lawyer can Help in a Vehicle Defect Personal Injury CaseThe experienced vehicle defect lawyers at Slappey & Sadd, LLC can meet with you to discuss your injury or your loved one’s death, review the vehicle information to determine whether the vehicle has a history of defects, and outline the potential claims you might have. If we can settle the case with the manufacturer and seller we will advocate for you to ensure the highest possible monetary result. If the manufacturer or seller is unwilling to settle, we will bring a lawsuit against the parties and present your case to the court. At all times we will vigorously advocate for your position.
Contact the Georgia Vehicle Defect Lawyers at Slappey & Sadd, LLC TodayIf you or a loved one has been injured due to a vehicle defect in Georgia, call the Georgia vehicle defect lawyers at Slappey & Sadd, LLC at 404 255-6677. You have a right to be compensated for the trauma you have sustained. If you have a loved one who was killed due to a vehicle defect, it is important to reach out to a vehicle defect lawyer to ensure that the family is compensated for the loss of the loved one.
You may be hesitant to reach out because you believe that it is not possible to prove that the vehicle defect caused the injury or death. This is not so, and the lawyers at Slappey & Sadd, LLC can determine whether a case exists and what type of compensation might be received if successful. Call the vehicle defect lawyers at Slappey & Sadd, LLC today to champion your legal rights.